Second Hand premises to purchase in tetuan area Almenara neighborhood.
premises in tetuan area. The premises has garage 0 spaces
Second Hand premises to purchase in tetuan area.
-4%Has dropped €6,000
premises in tetuan area Bellas Vistas neighborhood.
ground floor. it is a flat that has 413 m2 . it is property with east. it has security cameras, smooth walls, exterior, false ceiling, aire...
total surface area 730 m², commercial premises usable floor area 700 m², 3 toilets, air conditioning (hot and cold), heating (natural gas), state of...
premises to purchase in tetuan area.
total surface area 1010 m², commercial premises usable floor area 988 m², 2 toilets, air conditioning (cold), state of repair: in good condition.
premises to buy in tetuan area Almenara neighborhood.
total surface area 562 m², commercial premises usable floor area 525 m², 2 toilets, wheelchair-friendly, water, air conditioning (cold), heating...
neighborhood of salamanca, madrid details of the building for sale in madrid land area plot: 1,879 m2 constructed area: 3185 m2: height of six (6)...
apartamentos con licencia turística en tetuán, madrid. los detalles del edificio residencial en venta en madrid se trata de un edificio en...
madrid. building details four roads one of the best neighborhoods in the city of madrid, well connected with all kinds of public transport, metro...
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